Building a Basic Skincare Routine


Ah, skincare; so many options, so little time to sift through it all! Luckily, the science of skincare is one of my favorite topics, and you don’t need every ingredient on the market to jumpstart your way to great skin. I tell all my patients their routines should contain a basic foundation of items that I affectionately refer to as “the holy trinity.”

The first step in our holy trinity routine is a nightly retinol or retinoid. Retinol is topical vitamin A, a highly researched and efficacious skin-rejuvenating agent. As a topical treatment, retinol helps to regulate skin cell turnover and combat fine lines and wrinkles. The result is clearer and more radiant skin, plus diminished fine lines with routine use. I personally recommend Retinal Advanced by ISDIN or AlphaRet by Skin Better Science, both of which you can find here at Authentic Aesthetics! Results take time, so stick with it; you and your skin will thank me later.

While step one works to reverse the aging process, steps two and three work together to prevent environmental damage. In the morning, after gently cleansing, apply a topical antioxidant serum. I love Alto and Alto Advanced by Skin Better Science for daily use, and I really love Melaclear Advanced by ISDIN to help clear post-inflammatory hyperpigmention. Antioxidant topicals combat pigment formation and contribute to the prevention of skin damage when used with your daily SPF, which leads us to our last step: daily sunscreen!

My mantra when it comes to anything in healthcare is “the best medicine is prevention,” and that is no different in aesthetics. A daily SPF actively prevents both visible and invisible skin damage caused by UV radiation. UV exposure not only precipitates apparent signs of damage such as hyperpigmentation and redness, but it also breaks down the structure and elasticity of skin, accelerating the aging process. When it comes to sunscreen, choose one with at least 30 SPF to protect your beautiful face! I carry a few different sunscreens at Authentic Aesthetics, and I am happy to help you find the one that is the best fit for you!

So, there it is; an easy, three-step routine to help you start your journey to fresh, glowing skin. With so many products out there, it can feel impossible to know where to begin, so let me guide you. My goal as your aesthetic provider is to make it simple and provide the pathway to putting your best face forward, and that journey begins with great skin!


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